Artist Statement
When painting I can express so much through colour, form, texture and shapes. It’s as though the paintings have a life of their own, layer on layer of paint, sometimes scraped away, sanded, laid on thick, or thrown at the canvas.

My relationship with the art is complex, at my most petulant I have stomped out of the studio, lost in frustration. I tend to paint over them again and again, until I’m happy with the final picture. The many layers create the depth that I crave for, not just an instant impact but something more powerful and longer lasting.

And I love paint, the feeling of it, the flow of it, the intensity of it. The studio is a messy  place where I can be exuberant and emotional, and then, when I feel a painting is nearly complete, it  comes home with me where I can finish it off with the more delicate work.